Figure 6. Adenosine release is modulated by parallel fibre receptor agonists.
Parallel fibre (PF) EPSPs were evoked every 10 s by a stimulating electrode placed on the surface of the molecular layer and recorded with an extracellular electrode. A, superimposed averages of EPSPs in control, in 25 μm baclofen and following wash. Baclofen reversibly reduced EPSP amplitude by ∼60%. B, superimposed traces from an adenosine biosensor in control, baclofen (25 μm) and in wash. Adenosine release was evoked by a 10 s stimulus at the arrow. Baclofen reversibly reduced adenosine release by ∼50%. C, superimposed averages of EPSPs in control, in 50 μm l-AP4 and following wash. l-AP4 reversibly reduced EPSP amplitude by ∼40%. D, superimposed traces from an adenosine biosensor placed on the surface of the molecular layer in control, 50 μm l-AP4 and in wash. Following l-AP4 application adenosine release was decreased by ∼40%. Adenosine release was evoked by a 5 s stimulus (20 Hz) at the arrow.