Figure 9. Simulation of the build up of nuclear NFATc1 during 1 h of repetitive electrical stimulation and the effects of kinase inhibitors on the decline of nuclear NFATc1 following stimulation.
The observed (○ and •) effects of the GSK3β inhibitor alsterpaullone (A, 20 μm), LiCl (B, 20 mm), the CK1/2 inhibitor CKI-7 (C, 900 μm) and the combined application of alsterpaullone and CKI-7 (D, same concentrations as in A and C) on the time course of decline of nuclear NFATc1 were simulated (∇ and ▾) by assuming the NFATc1 kinase rate constant kP in the nucleus to be inhibited by 50% (A), 60% (B), 85% (C) and 100% (D) during the period following electrical stimulation. The time constant for onset of inhibition after cessation of fibre stimulation was 3, 12, 5 or 2 min in A–D, respectively. These and the other parameter values are listed in Table 2.