Figure 2. Measurement of NO production in cardiac myocytes.
A, confocal fluorescence images. DAF-FM-loaded cardiac myocytes showed an increase in fluorescence (average pixel value) from 31 ± 4 (n = 6) in the absence (left) to 168 ± 16 (n = 7) in the presence of the NO donor, sodium nitroprusside (right). B, specificity of NO production on l-Arg. Time courses of fluorescence intensity changes (in arbitrary units) in DAF-FM-loaded myocytes upon addition of 15 mm l-Arg (•), 15 mm d-Arg (○), an equal volume of Arg-free buffer (▾), or 15 mm l-Arg in cells preincubated with 1 mm l-NAME (∇). The low-level, basal NO production (filled versus open triangles) is probably due to l-Arg intracellular pools.