Fig. 1.
T7 RNAP-CTD fusion proteins. T7 RNAP fused with mouse CTD. (A) Schematic representation of T7 RNAP fused with the CTD (CTD-T7 RNAP) and phosphorylated CTD (CTDp-T7 RNAP) are shown. (B) In vitro transcription by T7 RNAP and CTD-T7 RNAP (≈100 ng, respectively) with linearized plasmid DNA. Purified RNAs were resolved by denaturing PAGE. Runoff transcripts are indicated by arrow. (C) The 120-ng protein samples were resolved by SDS/PAGE and silver-stained. Molecular marker is indicated on the left. (D) In vitro transcription by CTDun-T7 RNAP and CTDp-T7 RNAP (≈120 ng, respectively) with linearized plasmid DNA.