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. 2006 Jan;63(1):17–26. doi: 10.1136/oem.2005.020453

Table 4 Odds ratios and 95% confidence limits for significant associations of occupational groups with specific lymphoma subentities.

ISCO‐68 Occupational group 1–10 years >10 years All
Cases Controls Adj OR† 95% CI Cases Controls Adj OR† 95% CI Adj OR† 95% CI
Hodgkin's lymphoma (n = 116)
 90 Rubber and plastics product makers 5 9 4.6† 1.2–17.0 2 3.9† 1.1–14.0
B cell non‐Hodgkin's lymphoma (total) (n = 554)
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (n = 158)
 02–03 Architects, engineers, and related technicians 6 16 3.3† 1.1–9.4 6 32 1.1 0.4–3.0 1.7 0.8–3.7
 53 Cooks waiters bartenders 3 13 1.5 0.4–5.5 6 13 3.1† 1.1–8.9 2.3 1.0–5.3
 54 Maids 24 61 †2.2 1.1–4.2 5 8 3.4† 1.0–11.7 2.3‡ 1.2–4.3
 72 Metal processors 3 5 4.1 0.9–19.7 3 1 7.3‡ 2.1–26.0
 85 Electrical fitters and related electrical and electronics workers 4 31 0.6 1.2–2.1 5 10 3.2† 1.0–10.5 1.2 0.5–2.9
Follicular lymphoma (n = 92)
 02–03 Architects, engineers, and related technicians 2 16 3.1 0.6–15.6 6 32 3.0 1.0–9.2 3.0† 1.1–8.2
 06–07 Medical, dental, veterinary, and related workers 7 27 2.5 0.9–6.7 6 18 4.0† 1.4–11.7 3.1‡ 1.4–6.8
 41–45 Sales workers 12 55 3.2‡ 1.3–7.7 11 70 2.5† 1.0–6.0 2.8‡ 1.3–5.9
 74 Chemical processors and related workers 3 11 3.0 0.7–12.8 2 3 10.8† 1.6–73.4 4.3† 1.3–14.7
 77 Food and beverage processors 3 14 2.8 0.7–10.9 3 5 6.4† 1.3–31.2 3.8† 1.3–11.1
 84 Machinery fitters, machine assemblers, and precision instrument makers (except electrical) 6 49 2.3 0.8–6.5 9 32 5.3‡ 2.0–14.1 3.4‡ 1.5–7.8
 85 Electrical fitters and related electrical and electronics workers 5 31 2.1 0.7–6.4 5 10 9.3‡ 2.7–32.4 3.5‡ 1.5–8.4
 92 Printers 2 11 2.2 0.4–11.3 3 6 6.3† 1.3–29.8 3.6† 1.2–11.4
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)/small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) (n = 104)
 54 Maids 12 61 2.5† 1.1–5.9 1 8 1.6 0.2–14.6 2.4† 1.0–5.6
 58 Protective service workers 3 7 3.3 0.7–14.5 2 6 3.7 0.6–21.2 3.4† 1.0–11.3
 77 Food and beverage processors 2 14 1.1 0.2–5.3 5 5 8.4‡ 2.1–32.8 2.9† 1.1–8.0
 95 Bricklayers, carpenters and other construction workers 6 30 1.3 0.5–3.7 6 10 4.3† 1.3–13.7 2.0 0.9–4.7
 97 Material handling and related equipment operators, dockers and freight handlers 5 20 1.9 0.6–5.8 3 6 5.2† 1.1–23.3 2.5 1.0–6.5
Plasma cell myeloma (plasmacytoma) (n = 76)
 31; 35–38 Other clerical workers 3 15 3.5 0.9–14.6 4 27 2.5 0.7–8.9 2.9† 1.0–8.2
 54 Maids 8 61 2.4 0.9–6.7 3 8 5.9† 1.3–27.2 2.9† 1.1–7.4
 55 Building caretakers, charworkers, cleaners 1 15 1.3 0.2–11.0 4 12 5.1† 1.3–19.7 3.1 1.0–10.1
 60–61 Farmers 2 4 10.4† 1.5–69.8 3 6 8.6‡ 1.8–40.0 9.2‡ 2.6–33.1
 62 Agriculture and animal husbandry workers 4 53 0.9 0.3–3.0 6 12 7.2‡ 2.2–24.2 1.9 0.8–4.9
 95 Bricklayers, carpenters, and other construction workers 6 30 3.6† 1.1–11.3 3 10 4.7† 1.0–21.4 3.9† 1.4–10.9
 97 Material handling and related equipment operators, dockers, and freight handlers 5 20 3.9† 1.2–12.5 3 6 8.1† 1.6–41.3 4.8‡ 1.7–13.2

All lymphoma subentities with n>30 are included in the analysis; odds ratios for B‐NHL in total are not shown.

*Odds ratio (OR) adjusted for age, sex, region, smoking (pack‐years), and alcohol consumption.

†p<0.05; p<0.01.