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. 2007 Oct 24;22(Suppl 2):312–318. doi: 10.1007/s11606-007-0360-8

Table 3.

Satisfaction with Interpretation, by Interpreting Method

  Intent-to-treat Analysis (by randomization mode) Actual Interpreting Method Received
n 364 371 165 175
Did your interpreter listen to you carefully?
Yes 192 (99) 214 (98) 149 (99) 158 (99)
How would you rate your interpreter in treating you with respect?
Very well 99 (51) 129 (58) 71 (48) 88 (54)
How well do you think your interpreter understood you?
Very well 95 (48) 111 (50) 70 (45) 73 (45)
How well do you think your interpreter interpreted your visit with the doctor?
Very Well 98 (50) 124 (56) 76 (50) 90 (55)
How well do you think this method of interpretation protected your privacy?
Very Well 73 (38) 104 (51)* 52 (35) 74 (49)†
Would you recommend the interpreter to a friend?
Yes 175 (97) 200 (97) 136 (96) 147 (99)
Would you recommend this method of interpretation to a friend?
Yes 178 (93) 204 (96) 136 (94) 151 (97)
Composite satisfaction with interpreter score
Mean (SD) 0.462 (0.368) 0.528 (0.393)* 0.449 (0.365) 0.502 (0.395)

Denominators for percentages exclude missing values and those for whom the response was not applicable (i.e., those who did not receive interpreter services).

*Intent-to-treat analysis, significant difference between RSMI and U&C at a level of p < 0.05.

†Actual interpreting method received, significant differences between RSMI and U&C trained at a level of p < 0.05.