Figure 6 DST/anti‐CD154 increased the percentage of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells. Splenocytes were obtained from recipient mice 2 weeks after transplantation. Representative flow cytometric histograms of CD4+CD25) and CD4+CD45RBlo cells are shown in (A) and (B), respectively. CD4+ T cells were evaluated according to the presence of surface expression of CD25 or CD45RB marker (in boxes). A minimum of 105 events was acquired for each analysis. (C) Mean percentage of CD4+CD25+ cells was significantly increased in the DST/anti‐CD154 treatment group compared with the untreated transplant group ((5.2 (1.3)% v 4.4 (0.8)%, p = 0.03). The results are representative of two separate experiments performed at 2 and 4 weeks after transplantation. Lymph node analyses gave similar results (data not shown).