FIG. 2. Expression of ABC1/COQ8 on low- or multi-copy plasmids suppress yeast coq9-1 mutants.
A) The coq9-1 mutant, C92/UL3, is rescued for growth on the nonfermentable carbon source, glycerol, when transformed with ABC1/COQ8. The plasmids used were vector only (pRS426) or contained one of the following genes: ABC1/COQ8 (p3HN4, p4HN4 and T3) or COQ9 (T2). All plasmids are present in multicopy, except p3HN4, a low copy plasmid. B) Whole cell lysates of yeast (corresponding to 0.2 OD600nm) were analyzed by immunoblot with antisera against the indicated polypeptides. Cell lysates were prepared from W303-1A (W), W303ΔCOQ9 (Δ9) and the coq9-1mutant (C92/UL3) harboring the designated plasmids.