Genotypic and phenotypic analysis of mice deficient for Irf6. (a) Irf6 gene trap allele (Irf6gt1). The gene trap vector (VICTR48) inserted 36 bp from the splice donor site of intron 1 and contains flanking long terminal repeats (L), a splice acceptor (SA) and donor (SD) sites, the ORF for neomycin (Neo), stop codons (S), polyadenylation site (pA), the phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) promoter, marker fusion transcript (MFT) and OmniBank sequence tag (OST) fusion transcript (OFT). (b) Genotypic analysis by PCR of genomic DNA derived from E17.5 embryos using primers a and b to detect wild-type (+) and using primers v and b to detect mutant (−) alleles. (c) Gross appearance of wild-type E17.5 embryos. (d) E17.5 embryo that is homozygous for gene trap allele (Irf6gt1/gt1). (e) Protein blot analysis of protein extracts obtained from E17.5 skin from mice with the indicated genotype. Blots were probed with antibodies directed against the indicated protein.