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. 2006 Mar 17;91(7):598–603. doi: 10.1136/adc.2005.076836

Table 1 Demographics and clinical characteristics of 51 patients with paracetamol overdose.

Group I (n = 40) Group II (n = 11) p value
Age in years 14.7 (1.0–16.1) 13.3 (0.8–16.1) 0.26
Age <7 years (n = 6) 3 3 0.11
Sex: M:F 5:35 1:10 0.74
Paracetamol dose (mg/kg) 348* (91–582) 285† (222–645) 0.7
Cumulative doses/unreported 3/1 3/2
Time from reported ingestion to presentation (h) 24 (4–72) 44 (24–96) 0.03
 Nil 30 (75%) 0
 Grade I and II 10 (25%) 0
 Grade ⩾III 0 11 (100%) 0.001

*n = 36;†n = 6.

Values expressed as median (range).