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. 2007 May;92(5):434–439. doi: 10.1136/adc.2006.102236

Table 2 Example items and response categories.

Questionnaire Example item Response categories
CHQ‐CF87 Have you been limited in the past 4 weeks in any of the following ways due to problems with your 1 = yes, very limited
behaviour: limited in the kind of schoolwork or activities with friends you could do? 2 = yes, limited
3 = yes, a bit limited
4 = no, not limited
In the past month, how much of a problem has this been for you…
PedsQL 4.0 Other kids don't want to be my friend. 0 = never
PedsQL‐DM My parents and I argue about my diabetes care. 1 = almost never
2 = sometimes
3 = often
4 = almost always
During the past week…
KINDL‐R I got on well with my parents. 1 = never
KINDL‐R‐DM I would best of all have liked to “stuff my face” with my favourite foods. 2 = rarely
3 = sometimes
4 = often
5 = all the time
Think about the past 4 weeks:
DISABKIDS Do you feel lonely because of your condition? 1 = never
DISABKIDS‐DM Does diabetes rule your day? 2 = seldom
3 = quite often
4 = very often
5 = always
DQOL‐Youth How often are you teased because you have diabetes? 1 = never
2 = very seldom
3 = sometimes
4 = often
5 = all the time
ADDQoL‐Teen A: “Do you ever want to eat something but you don't eat it because of your diabetes? Yes—a lot
Yes—a fair bit
Yes—a bit
No—I do not
B: “Does it bother you when you want to eat something but you don't because of your diabetes?” Yes—It bothers me very much
Yes—It bothers me a fair bit
No—It doesn't bother me, it's OK
No—It doesn't bother me, I like it