Figure 1. Expanded B cell compartments in spleens and lymph nodes of B-TRAF3-/- mice.
(A) Verification of TRAF3 deletion in B cells by Western blot analysis. Splenic B cells were purified from LMC and B-TRAF3-/- (B-T3-/-) mice by negative selection using CD43-magnetic beads. Total cellular proteins were extracted from both the purified B cells (B) and the CD43+ (mainly non-B) cells (N). The same protein blot was first immunoblotted for TRAF3, then stripped and re-probed for TRAF2, TRAF1, TRAF6, and actin. NS, non-specific band. Results shown are representative of 3 independent experiments. (B) Enlarged spleen of B-TRAF3-/- mice. Top panel shows photo of representative spleens of LMC and B-TRAF3-/- mice, and bottom panel depicts spleen weights (mean ± SEM, n=10 for each group of mice). (C) Percentages and numbers of B and T cells in spleens and LN of LMC and B-TRAF3-/- mice. B cells and T cells were identified by FACS analysis using markers described in Supplementary Table 1. The graph depicts the results of four independent experiments (mean ± SEM). (D) Representative FACS histograms or contour plots of splenic B cells of LMC and B-TRAF3-/- mice. FACS profiles were scatter-gated on single lymphocytes. T1, T2, follicular (FO), and marginal zone (MZ) B cell populations were identified using markers described in Supplementary Table 1. Similar results were observed in three additional experiments. (E) Percentages (among total B cells) and numbers of splenic B cell subsets of LMC and B-TRAF3-/- mice. The graph depicts the results of four independent experiments (mean ± SEM). Mice analyzed were 8 to 12 weeks old.