Figure 7. Autoimmune manifestations in B-TRAF3-/- B mice.
(A) Anti-dsDNA autoantibodies in sera of B-TRAF3-/- mice. Sera from naïve LMC and B-TRAF3-/- mice (n=10 for each group) were tested for anti-dsDNA autoantibodies by ELISA. Mice analyzed were 10 to 12 weeks old. **, highly significantly different from LMC (t-test, P<0.001). (B) Lymphocyte infiltrations in kidney and liver of B-TRAF3-/- mice. Microsections of kidneys and livers were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and representative micrographs of LMC and B-TRAF3-/- mice are shown for comparison. (C) Immune complex deposition in kidney of B-TRAF3-/- mice. Cryosections of kidneys were blocked and stained with anti-C3-FITC (green, micrographs shown in the left panel) and anti-IgG (H+L)-PE (red, micrographs shown in the middle panel). The right panel shows the overlay of C3 and IgG (H+L) staining, and yellow color indicates co-localized staining. Mice analyzed in (B) and (C) were 9-12 months old, and similar results were observed in two additional experiments.