The representation of Vγ1+Vδ4+ and Vγ7+Vδ4+ i-IEL subsets in the BXD RI lines correlates with the TCRγ and TCRδ allotypes. (A) i-IEL from the indicated BXD strains were isolated and stained as in Fig. 1. Data shown are the percentage of total γδ i-IEL expressing the Vγ1+Vδ4+ TCR in the BXD lines distributed as to the TCRγ allotype. Each point corresponds to the mean value of two to three determinations of each BXD strain using two animals per determination. Numbers on the right of the dots denote the BXD strain number. B and D indicate the TCRγ locus inherited from the B6 and DBA/2 founder strains, respectively. The means of the values in TCRγ B and TCRγ D lines are 3.14 ± 1.16% and 9.5 ± 4.6%, respectively. According to Student’s t test, those values are different with a P < 0.001. (B) Data shown are the percentage of total γδ i-IEL expressing the Vγ7+Vδ4+ TCR in the BXD lines distributed as to the TCRδ allotype. B and D indicate the TCRδ locus inherited from the B6 and DBA/2 founder strains, respectively. Numbers on the right of the dots denote the BXD strain. The means of the values in TCRδ B and TCRδ D lines are 19 ± 6.3% and 8 ± 1.89%, respectively. According to Student’s t test, those values are not significantly different (P = 0.19).