DR molecules expressed in the absence of Ii and DM display normal levels of the conformation-sensitive epitope 16.23. (A) Cells were stained with the anti-DRα mAb L243, followed by FITC-conjugated anti-mouse Ig, and analyzed by flow cytometry. The data shown give the mean fluorescence intensity (mfi) of L243 on the different cell lines from an average of 12 experiments. The error bars represent the SEM. All the cells were 100% positive for expression of DR molecules. (B) Cells were stained with cerCLIP.1 (anti-DR-bound CLIP), or 16.23 (DR3-specific conformation-dependent) followed by FITC-conjugated anti-mouse Ig. The level of expression of cerCLIP.1 (a and c) and 16.23 (b) has been normalized for the level of total DR as measured by mfi of parallel staining with L243 and expressed as a percentage of total DR. B-LCL, M1, or T2 expressed either DR3 (a and b) or DR1 (c). Where indicated the cells were induced with 1000 units/ml rIFNγ for 4 days before staining (+ IFN). The data represent the mean values from 3–16 repeated stainings depending on cell line, and error bars represent the SEM.