Binding of anti-NAL2HNEf to HNE-treated Glu-6-PDH. As detailed in Materials and Methods, the binding of immunopurified anti-NAL2HNEf to Glu-6-PDH-linked Lys-HNE fluorophore (60 fmol/well) was evaluated by ELISA. In addition, antibody binding was evaluated in the presence of NAL2HNEf (1a) (○), fluorophores produced in the reactions of HNE with γ-aminobutyric acid (1c) (□) and ethylamine (1e) (▵), and nonderivitized NAL (•), γ-aminobutyric acid (▪), and ethylamine (▴). B/B0 = [(OD/s) − (OD/s)bkg]/[(OD/s)no competitor − (OD/s)bkg] where OD/s = change in absorbance at 405 nm/s in the linear range. Background (bkg) values were obtained by using Glu-6-PDH treated with HNE for 0 min (Materials and Methods).