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. 2007 Feb 15;106(2):297–304. doi: 10.1007/s10549-006-9493-4

Table 3.

The amino acid properties of novel unclassified mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 within an Indonesian breast cancer population

Gene Amino acid change Change of charge Change of amino acid group Similarity scorea # species with conserved sequence
BRCA1 Leu to Val None No 32 7a,b,c,d,e,f,g
BRCA1 Arg to Gln Pos to no charge Yes 43 4a,c,f,g
BRCA1 Thr to Ile polar to non polar Yes 89 3a,c,g
BRCA2 Gln to Glu No charge to neg Yes 29 4a,b,c,g
BRCA2 Gln to Leu Polar to non polar Yes 113 5a,b,d,e,f
BRCA2 Val to Ile None No 29 2f,g

abased on Grantham table [Grantham et al. [29], a score above 100 indicates significance changes

a = Macaca mullata, b = Bos taurus, c = Canis familiaris, d = Rattus rattus, e = Mus musculus, f = Gallus gallus, h = Monodelphis domestica