Table 3.
The amino acid properties of novel unclassified mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 within an Indonesian breast cancer population
Gene | Amino acid change | Change of charge | Change of amino acid group | Similarity scorea | # species with conserved sequence |
BRCA1 | Leu to Val | None | No | 32 | 7a,b,c,d,e,f,g |
BRCA1 | Arg to Gln | Pos to no charge | Yes | 43 | 4a,c,f,g |
BRCA1 | Thr to Ile | polar to non polar | Yes | 89 | 3a,c,g |
BRCA2 | Gln to Glu | No charge to neg | Yes | 29 | 4a,b,c,g |
BRCA2 | Gln to Leu | Polar to non polar | Yes | 113 | 5a,b,d,e,f |
BRCA2 | Val to Ile | None | No | 29 | 2f,g |
abased on Grantham table [Grantham et al. [29], a score above 100 indicates significance changes
a = Macaca mullata, b = Bos taurus, c = Canis familiaris, d = Rattus rattus, e = Mus musculus, f = Gallus gallus, h = Monodelphis domestica