Figure 9.
DDR2 promotes invasion into basement membrane matrix by stellate cells and is inhibited by GM6001. (a) A representative experiment of HSC-T6 cells infected with the ec-DDR2, kd-DDR2, GFP alone (control), wt-DDR2, or the constitutively active Fc-DDR2 were suspended in DMEM plus 1% FCS and placed on inserts (8-μm pore size) coated with 100 μg/cm2 of Matrigel. Conditioned media from Kupffer cell cultures supplemented with 1% FCS was used as chemoattractant. After 12 hours, migrating cells adhering to the underside of the membrane were stained with 0.2% crystal violet and counted in ten random high-power fields per insert. Filled columns represent migration of HSC-T6 cells pretreated with 20 μM GM6001 for 1 hour, then allowed to migrate in the presence of 10 μM GM6001. The number of control cells that had migrated to the lower chamber after 12 hours was 55 ± 6 per high-power field. (b) A representative experiment of HSC-T6 cells migrating for 4 hours through uncoated inserts. The number of control HSC-T6 cells that had migrated to the lower chamber was 293 ± 80 per high-power field.