Table 1.
Treatment Contrasts
Contrast Symbol | Treatment A | Treatment B |
snell5a | Pit1dw/dw males, age 4–6 months, n = 4 | Pit1dw/? control males, age 4–6 months, n = 4 |
snell25a | Pit1dw/dw males, age 24–26 months, n = 3 | Pit1dw/? control males, age 24–26 months, n = 3 |
ames5Ab | Prop1df/df males, age 4–6 months, n = 5 | Prop1+/+ control males, age 4–6 months, n = 5 |
ames13Ab | Prop1df/df males, age 12–14 months, n = 5 | Prop1+/+ control males, age 12–14 months, n = 5 |
ames25Ab | Prop1df/df males, age 24–27 months, n = 5 | Prop1+/+ control males, age 24–27 months, n = 5 |
ames3Bc | Prop1df/df males, age 3 months, n = 3 | Prop1+/+ control males, age 3 months, n = 5 |
ames6Bc | Prop1df/df males, age 6 months, n = 3 | Prop1+/+ control males, age 6 months, n = 5 |
ames12Bc | Prop1df/df males, age 12 months, n = 3 | Prop1+/+ control males, age 12 months, n = 5 |
ames24Bc | Prop1df/df males, age 24 months, n = 3 | Prop1+/+ control males, age 24 months, n = 5 |
little3c | Ghrhrlit/lit males, age 3 months, n = 3 | Ghrhrlit/+ males, age 3 months, n = 3 |
little6c | Ghrhrlit/lit males, age 6 months, n = 3 | Ghrhrlit/+ males, age 6 months, n = 3 |
little12c | Ghrhrlit/lit males, age 12 months, n = 3 | Ghrhrlit/+ males, age 12 months, n = 3 |
little24c | Ghrhrlit/lit males, age 24 months, n = 3 | Ghrhrlit/+ males, age 24 months, n = 3 |
GHR-KOd | GHR(-/-) males, age 42 days, n = 3 | wild type males, age 42 days, n = 3 |
GHR-KI1d | GHR knock-in mutant 569, males, age 42 days, n = 3 | wild type males, age 42 days, n = 3 |
GHR-KI2d | GHR knock-in mutant 391, males, age 42 days, n = 3 | wild type males, age 42 days, n = 3 |
B6e | C57BL/6J (B6) females, age 2 months, n = 3 (20–30% reduced serum IGF-I) | C3H/HeJ (C3H) females, age 2 months, n = 3 |
Genderf | wild type females, age 3–6 months, n = 6 | wild type males, age 3–6 months, n = 6 |
cr(2,6)g | 4 months of 30% calorie restriction, initiated age 2, tissue harvest age 6, wild type females, n = 8 | wild type littermates of treatment A fed on control diet, n = 7 |
cr(2,6)dfg | 4 months of 30% calorie restriction, initiated age 2, tissue harvest age 6, Prop1df/df females, n = 8 | Prop1df/df female littermates of treatment A with control diet, n = 8 |
cr(20,22)h | 2 months of 40% calorie restriction, initiated age 20, tissue harvest age 22, strain B6C3F1 males, n = 4 | strain B6C3F1 males fed on control diet, tissue harvest age 22, n = 4 |
cr(5,22)h | 17 months 40% calorie restriction, initiated age 5, tissue harvest age 22, strain B6C3F1 males, n = 4 | strain B6C3F1 males fed on control diet, tissue harvest age 22, n = 4 |
meth | metformin, 2100 mg per kg diet, tissue harvest age 22, strain B6C3F1 males, n = 4 | control diet, tissue harvest age 22, strain B6C3F1 males, n = 4 |
met(db/db)i | metformin, 400 mg/kg, C57BL/ksj – db/db males, n = 5 | placebo, C57BL/ksj – db/db males, n = 5 |
gliph | glipizide, 1050 mg per kg diet, tissue harvest age 22, strain B6C3F1 males, n = 4 | control diet, tissue harvest age 22, strain B6C3F1 males, n = 4 |
gmh | metformin & glipizide, met dose: 1050 mg per kg diet, glip dose: 525 mg per kg diet, tissue harvest age 22, strain B6C3F1 males, n = 4 | control diet, tissue harvest age 22, strain B6C3F1 males, n = 4 |
rosh | rosiglitazone, 80 mg per kg diet, tissue harvest age 22, strain B6C3F1 males, n = 4 | control diet, tissue harvest age 22, strain B6C3F1 males, n = 4 |
soyh | soy isoflavone extract, 0.25%, tissue harvest age 22, strain B6C3F1 males, n = 4 | control diet, tissue harvest age 22, strain B6C3F1 males, n = 4 |
lowfat1j | 4.5% fat diet by weight, congenic C57BL/6J males, n = 3 | 21% fat diet by weight, congenic C57BL/6J males, n = 3 |
lowfat2k | very low fat diet, strain C57BL/6J males, n = 5 | normal diet, strain C57BL/6J males, n = 5 |
agel | age 4 months, wild type, n = 4 | age 32 months, wild type, n = 4 |
Each contrast corresponds to a test of differential expression and set of genes identified as significantly upregulated or downregulated. The A column lists treatments known or hypothesized to be associated with increased lifespan. The B column lists comparable control treatments associated with normal lifespan. All contrasts were of the form A – B, such that upregulated genes exhibit increased expression in treatment A (relative to treatment B) while downregulated genes exhibit decreased expression in treatment A (relative to treatment B). The RNA source for all treatments was liver and the value n refers to the number of independent biological replicates available for each treatment.
aGSE3129, MG-U74Av2, Boyleston et al. [20]
bGSE3150, MG 430 2.0, Boyleston et al. [20]
cEMEXP153, MOE 430A, Amador-Noguez et al. [19]
dGSE988, MG-U74Av2, Rowland et al. [26]
eGSE5959, MG-U74Av2, Adamo et al. [27]
fEMEXP347, MOE 430A, Amador-Noguez et al. [87]
gGSE1093, MG-U74Av2, Tsuchiya et al. [24]
hGSE2431, MG-U74Av2, Dhahbi et al. [28]
iEMEXP490, MG-U74Av2, Heishi et al. [88]
jGSE363, MG-U74Av2, Recinos et al. [89]
kGSE3889, MG 430 2.0, Flowers et al. [90]
lEMEXP839, MG 430 2.0, Niedernhofer et al. [91]