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. 2000 Jan-Feb;11(1):13–14.


Noncontraindications to childhood vaccination as recommended by National Advisory Committee on Immunization and the American Advisory Committee on Immunization

Symptom or condition Action
Mild to moderate local reaction to previous injection of vaccine Immunize
Mild acute illness with or without fever Immunize
Currently taking antibiotics Immunize
Recovering from an acute illness Immunize
Premature infant Immunize on time - do NOT delay
Recent exposure to an infectious disease Immunize
Personal or family history of allergy to
Penicillin Immunize
Duck meat, duck feathers Immunize
Molds, grasses, pollens, etc Immunize
Eggs Immunize except for influenza vaccine; NO contraindication to measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine
Tuberculosis (TB) or positive TB skin test Immunize even with MMR and varicella vaccine
Simultaneous TB skin test Immunize even with MMR and varicella vaccine
Fever 40.5°C or higher after first dose of DTP or DtaP Immunize, give acetaminophen
Family history of sudden infant death syndrome Immunize
Seizure within 48 h of the prior dose of DTP or DtaP Immunize; give acetaminophen if seizure accompanied by fevers
Family history of seizures Immunize
Persistent inconsolable crying 3 h or more within 48 h after prior dose of DTA or DtaP Immunize
Pregnancy Immunize with tetanus, hepatitis B, influenza and inactivated polio vaccines as required
History of Haemophilus influenzae type b disease Immunize Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine
Hypotonic-hyporesponsive state within 48 h after prior dose of DtaP containing vaccine Not necessary to defer because episodes may occur with both DT, DTaP; continued immunization with all antigens is recommended

aP Acellular pertussis; D Diphtheria; P Pertussis; T Tetanus