Subtemporal preauricular ITF approach. (A) The preauricular incision on the right side was performed, the flap is displaced anteriorly, and the zygomatic process was removed. (B) The temporal muscle is displaced all the way down. (C) Exposition of the middle meningeal artery and V3 in the ITF. (D) Relationship among ITF, mastoid, and temporal lobe; the inset shows the incision. 1, temporal superficial fascia; 2, tendon of the temporal muscle; 3, mandibular incisura and maxillary artery; 4, superficial temporal artery; 5, mandibular condyle; 6, middle meningeal artery entering in the foramen spinosum; 7, V3; 8, sigmoid sinus exposed after mastoidectomy; 9, mastoid portion of the facial nerve.