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. 2007 Dec;66(12):1581–1587. doi: 10.1136/ard.2007.070326

Table 1 Demographic, clinical and surgical details of all 11 patients.

Clinical scores
Patient no./age (years)/sex Medications* Disease duration (years) HAQ DAS ESR CRP Sw/Td jnt Type of surgical procedure
1/61/F MTX, SSZ 11 1.5 4.30 4 N/A 8/33 Right‐wrist arthrodesis
2/61/M MTX, pred, LEF 21 0 N/A N/A N/A 5/10 Lapidus precedure left foot, modified Hibbs transfer, 3rd metatarsal shortening, 4th toe PIP fusion, 5th toe flexor tenotomy
3/65/F MTX, pred, HCQ 28 1.88 4.20 16 5 4/27 Arthrodesis 4th and 5th tarsometatarsal joints
4/53/F MTX, pred, LEF 15 3.25 5.17 37 81 14/28 Arthroplasty right ring and middle PIP joints
5/59/F MTX 25 4.25 2.96 11 7 5/9 Right lapidus procedure, release and reduction MTP joints 2 and 5, PIP joint fusion toes 2–5
6/64/F† MTX, pred, HCQ 43 0.63 2.87 4 2 5/12 Left 1st metatarsal osteotomy, right 4th toe PIP arthrodesis
7/57/F† MTX, pred, SSZ HCQ 15 2.88 5.87 12 14 26/34 Bilateral forefoot arthroplasties (resection of metatarsal heads 2–5, fusion 1st MTP joint)
8/77/F Pred, cyclo 6 2.38 5.75 53 32 21/28 Arthrodesis left naviculocuneiform, intercuneiform, 2nd and 3rd TMT joints
9/59/F MTX, pred, SSZ 29 2.75 3.12 43 34 2/8 Right foot 1st MTP fusion and excision of lesser metatarsal heads 2–5
10/49/F† SSZ, pred, HCQ, MTX 26 1.88 5.29 8 4 32/22 Arthroplasty left hand, MCP joints 2–5
11/50/F† HCQ 24 1.88 3.57 31 30 14/8 Left metatarsal scarf osteotomy, osteotomies 2nd and 4th MTP joints

*Medications: all patients on NSAIDs, MTX, methotrexate; pred, prednisone (10 mg or less); HCQ, hydroxychloroquine; SSZ, sulfasalazine; LEF, leflunomide; cyclo, ciclosporine; †histopathology available; see table 2. DAS, disease activity score; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (mm/h); HAQ, health assessment questionnaire; PIP, proximal interphalangeal joints; MTP, metatarsophalangeal joints; Sw/Td, swollen and tender joints; N/A, not available.