Obesity in a subset of ObRSynIKO mice. Significant obesity was evident in those ObRSynIKO mice that had 15% or less ObR RNA in the hypothalamus than did wild-type mice. (a) Weight curves of male and female ObRSynIKO mice (filled squares), heterozygote littermates (open squares), and ObR-null mice (filled triangles). Mice were weighed weekly from 5 weeks of age. Data represent the mean ± SEM of four male and two female ObRSynIKO mice, seven male and nine female heterozygote littermates, and six male and five female ObR-null mice. For both sexes, ObRSynIKO versus heterozygotes, P < 0.05 at all ages; ObRSynIKO versus ObR-null, P < 0.05 at all ages. (b) Expression levels of AGRP, NPY, POMC, and CART were determined by Taqman and are expressed as normalized to cyclophilin. Levels were measured in ObRSynIKO, heterozygotes (HET), and ObR-nulls. (n = 5 for heterozygotes, n = 6 for knockouts, and n = 3 for null mice.)