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. 2007 May 23;64(12):806–813. doi: 10.1136/oem.2006.029140

Table 1. Demographic characteristics for all subjects working as sewing machine operators in Los Angeles, California (n  = 520).

Variable Category Number %*
Gender Female 335 64.4
Male 185 35.6
Age group Mean (SD) 37.7 (9.9)
<30 121 23.3
30–39 176 33.8
40–49 153 29.4
⩾50 70 13.5
Ethnicity Asian/Pacific Islander 147 28.3
Hispanic 349 67.1
Caucasian 24 4.6
Educational level Primary 235 45.2
High school 261 50.2
University or more 23 4.4
Marital status Living alone 110 21.2
Cohabitating but not married 110 21.2
Married but separated 75 14.4
Married and living with spouse 166 31.9
Living with children No children 120 23.1
Equal or less than 5 years of age 157 30.2
More than 5 years of age 243 46.7
Supporting other family members No 235 45.2
outside of their own household Yes 285 54.8
Body mass index (BMI) Mean (SD) 26.2 (4.8)
Underweight (<18.5 kg/m2) 6 1.2
Normal (18.6–24.9 kg/m2) 195 37.5
Overweight (25–29.9 kg/m2) 203 39.0
Obese (>29.9 kg/m2) 83 16.0
Non-work-related physical activity None 194 37.3
Less than once per week 34 6.5
Once or twice per week 171 32.9
Three or more times per week 121 23.3
Smoking behaviour Non-smoker 441 84.8
Past smoker 54 10.4
Current smoker 25 4.8
Medical history of systemic illness† None 443 85.2
Any 77 14.8
Medical history of musculoskeletal disorders None 468 90.0
Any 52 10.0
Years lived in the United States Mean (SD) 12.0 (7.2)
<5 years 109 21.0
5–10 years 103 19.8
10–20 years 148 28.5
>20 years 160 30.8
English-speaking ability None at all 117 22.5
Only a few words 357 68.7
Enough to get by or very well 46 8.8
Years of employment in garment industry Mean (SD) 11.1 (7.3)
<7 154 29.6
7–10 106 20.4
11–15 152 29.2
>15 108 20.8

* Some percentages do not total 100 because of rounding; † the list of systemic illnesses or diseases included: diabetes (excluding diabetes solely related to pregnancy), rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematodes, degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis), low thyroid or overactive thyroid, chronic renal failure, and gout.