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. 2007 Feb 13;60(11):1222–1225. doi: 10.1136/jcp.2006.045518

Table 1 Summary of the TNM stage, tumour differentiation and excision status.

Oesophagus (n = 30) pT1 = 8 pN0 = 20 Well = 7 R0 = 28
pT2 = 8 pN1 = 10 Mod = 15 R1+ = 2
pT3 = 13 Poor = 8
pT4 = 1
GOJ (n = 34) pT1 = 2 pN0 = 15 Well = 3 R0 = 31
pT2 = 4 pN1+ = 19* Mod = 16 R1+ = 3
pT3 = 28 Poor = 15
pT4 = 0
Stomach (n = 37) pT1 = 9 pN0 = 29 Well = 5 R0 = 36
pT2 = 11 pN1 = 4 Mod = 14 R1+ = 1
pT3 = 17 pN2 = 4 Poor = 18
pT4 = 0 pN3 = 0

GOJ, gastro‐oesophageal junction.

Well, Mod, Poor corresponds to the tumour differentiation; Mod, moderately differentiated.

R0, completed excised; R1+, incompletely excised.

*Classed as pN1+ as it was not always clear from the pathology report whether these were designated oesophageal or gastric for staging purposes.