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. 2007 Jun 21;91(12):1620–1623. doi: 10.1136/bjo.2007.118968

Table 4 Capacity of different pupil variables (alone and combined) to discriminate Adie/Ross (A/R) from neuropathy (Neuro) patients.

Variable Threshold* A/R Neuro χ2 P Sens (%) Spec (%)
DL (O–E) >+1.4 mm 20/34 23/56 2.672 0.102 58.8 58.9
 AL >1 mm 18/34 7/56 17.247 <0.001 52.9 87.5
 LR <12.2% 40/58 38/75 4.516 0.034 69.0 49.3
 NR <24.4% 30/53 41/66 0.372 0.542 56.6 37.9
 LND <11.9% 29/53 22/65 5.182 0.023 54.7 66.2
 SP Present 32/35 27/39 5.624 0.018 91.4 30.8
 AL+SP As above 14/24 3/29 11.765 <0.001 58.3 89.7
AL+SP+LND 6/20 2/26 2.517 0.113 30.0 92.3

*Arbitrary thresholds giving maximum discrimination between patient groups.

DL (O–E), deviation from expected diameter in the light; AL, anisocoria in the light; LR, light response; NR, near response; LND, light‐near dissociation; SP, sector palsy. Sens, sensitivity; spec, specificity.