Concentration-dependent in vitro silencing activity of siRNA duplexes directed against firefly luciferase relative to Renilla luciferase. (A) Incorporation of a single rF residue opposite A in the sense [data not shown, see ref. (41)] and guide strands (1:10) is tolerated albeit with a decrease in activity for the latter (reference duplex 1:2). On the other hand, incorporation of rF or U opposite G is not or significantly less tolerated (1:9, 1:11 and 1:12, 1:19, respectively). (B) Contrary to the presence of a single rF residue in the guide strand opposite A (13:18, 14:18, 15:18; reference duplex 17:18), multiple rF:A pairs in an siRNA duplex prevent silencing (16:18). In the AL-10, AL-11, AL-13 and AL-14 oligonucleotides, the rF substitution is adjacent to the cleavage site (marked by a vertical line).