Autocorrelation functions of solutions measured at 37°C and scattering angles of 110° (□), 90° (○), 75° (Δ), 60° (×), and 45° (+). The ACFs for each experiment have been offset for clarity and correspond to (a) DNA alone, (b) DNA and 10-μM reduced BFDMA, (c) DNA and 10-μM oxidized BFDMA, (d) DNA and 60-μM oxidized BFDMA, (e) DNA and 10-μM reduced BFDMA, and (f) DNA and 10-μM oxidized BFDMA. Samples in panels a–d were prepared in 1 mM Li2SO4 and samples in panels e and f were prepared in OptiMEM. Concentrations of DNA used in each experiment are as noted in the text.