Slow inactivation of KCNQ1 mutants causes Ba2+ trapping. Representative traces of mutant V310G at 0 mV (A) or at +40 mV (B) showing Ba2+ block (10 mM, 12 s) and unblock upon washout for 48 s. (C) Current deficit upon Ba2+ washout (open bars) and fractional inactivation (solid bars) measured in mutant V310G at 0 mV, +20 mV, and +40 mV. Current deficit = (Y-Z)/Y, where Z is the current measured after 48 s Ba2+ washout and Y is the current at the same time point in the absence of Ba2+. (D) Representative traces of mutant E295A at 0 mV showing Ba2+ block (12 s) and unblock upon 48 s washout. (E) Time constant of Ba2+ block in E295A channels at 0 mV (left) and current deficit measured after 48 s washout (right). (F) Representative traces of mutant D317A at +20 mV showing Ba2+ block (12 s) and unblock upon 48 s washout. (G) Slow (open bars) and fast (solid bars) time constants of Ba2+ block (10 s) in WT and D317A channels at +20 mV, with their respective slow component amplitudes (H, I) Slow (open bars) and fast (solid bars) time constants of Ba2+ unblock in WT and mutant D317A. Data shown are mean ± SE (n = 5–7; * p < 0.001).