Relation between the number of cross-bridges (mass transfer) developed locally in the anterior wall and the rate of pressure development during contractions of the beating rat hearts (upper panel) and myosin spacing (d1,0) changes in relation to LVV of the hearts (lower panel). In the upper panel, baseline means (open circles) are connected with volume-loading means (solid circles) for individual rat hearts (n = 5). A significant direct relation between mass transfer index and LVP dP/dtmax is presented for the group (thick line y = 0.00029x − 0.153, P < 0.004; dashed lines indicate 95% CI of mean). In the lower panel, the relation between d1,0 spacing during systole (interval between ED and ES) for baseline (circles) and volume-loading (squares) treatments and LVV is significant (dashed line y = 42.65 − 0.0084x, P < 0.0001), but on average 1 nm less than the maximum d1,0 recorded shortly after ES in each cycle. Open symbols indicate ED, half-closed ES and closed symbols the average recorded maximum d1,0 ± SD in all hearts (typically mean of 8–12 consecutive cardiac cycles).