Dependence of the rate constant of the observable slow fluorescence change (kobs) on the relative fluorescence amplitude. The relative amplitude of the total fluorescence change (ΔF/ΔF(4.6)) was obtained by normalizing the fluorescence changes induced by the different [Ca2+] to that induced by pCa 4.6 (ΔF(4.6)) in the particular experiment. kobs-(ΔF/ΔF(4.6)) obtained at the same [Ca2+]s were plotted as mean ± SE (circles and error bars). The solid line represents the kobs-(ΔF/ΔF(4.6)) dependence given by Eq. 1 according to the two-state model using the parameter means koff = 36 s−1 and kon(app.4.6) = 326 s−1, which were obtained from the six individual fits to the six experiments (see text). The solid line represents the dependence according to the three-state model to additionally specify the parameters for Ca2+ binding and dissociation (for details, see text).