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. 2007 Sep 15;4(4):A94.

Table 1.

Prevalence of Binge Drinkinga Among North Dakota Adults, by Selected Characteristics, 2004–2005

Characteristic Employedb,c Nonemployedc,d All Adultsc

Population Estimate, Ne Binge Drinking Prevalence, % (95% CI) Population Estimate, Ne Binge Drinking Prevalence, % (95% CI) Population Estimate, Ne Binge Drinking Prevalence, % (95% CI)
Age group, y
18-20 13,019 28.8 (18.5-41.8) 14,614 24.4 (15.5-36.2) 27,632 26.5 (19.4-35.0)
21-35 105,830 36.0 (32.7-39.5) 27,423 31.9 (25.0-39.8) 133,252 35.2 (32.1-38.4)
36-49 108,104 22.2 (20.1-24.5) 13,221 9.5 (5.9-14.9) 121,325 20.8 (18.9-23.0)
≥50 98,336 12.7 (11.1-14.5) 99,331 3.2 (2.4-4.3) 197,667 7.9 (7.0-9.0)
Male 179,701 32.9 (30.6-35.4) 59,167 17.2 (13.6-21.5) 238,868 29.1 (27.0-31.1)
Female 146,623 13.2 (11.6-14.9) 96,898 6.9 (5.2-9.0) 243,521 10.6 (9.5-12.0)
White 311,491 24.1 (22.6-25.8) 142,102 10.6 (8.7-12.7) 453,593 19.9 (18.7-21.2)
American Indian/ Alaskan Native 8,697 28.4 (19.4-39.5) 10,005 17.8 (9.7-30.3) 18,702 22.7 (16.2-30.9)
Other 5,414 14.3 (5.3-33.3) 2,711 1.2 (0.2-8.3) 8,125 10.0 (3.8-23.7)
Marital Status
Married 222,555 19.2 (17.7-20.8) 83,879 6.2 (4.8-8.1) 306,433 15.6 (14.4-16.9)
Divorced 24,839 26.1 (22.0-30.6) 9,050 10.8 (6.2-18.2) 33,888 22.0 (18.6-25.8)
Widowed 7,021 5.1 (2.6-10.0) 28,051 1.7 (0.7-3.7) 35,072 2.4 (1.4-4.0)
Separated 2,112 20.9 (10.3-37.6) 794 14.5 (3.5-44.1) 2,906 19.1 (10.3-32.9)
Never married 58,540 38.6 (33.7-43.9) 31,143 28.1 (21.4-35.9) 89,683 35.0 (30.9-39.3)
Member of an unmarried couple 10,370 54.4 (43.2-65.2) 2,745 47.0 (25.8-69.2) 13,115 52.9 (42.8-62.7)
Income, $
<25,000 54,699 27.0 (22.8-31.6) 56,971 12.6 (9.5-16.4) 111,670 19.6 (17.0-22.6)
25,000-49,999 114,363 27.0 (24.4-29.9) 42,601 8.1 (5.6-11.4) 156,964 21.9 (19.8-24.2)
≥50,000 128,645 22.5 (20.3-24.8) 23,650 11.6 (8.0-16.5) 152,295 20.8 (18.8-22.9)
Less than college 104,662 27.2 (24.4-30.3) 75,513 6.8 (5.0-9.3) 180,175 18.7 (16.7-20.8)
Some or more college 221,415 22.6 (20.8-24.4) 80,119 14.6 (11.7-17.9) 301,534 20.4 (18.9-22.0)
Employment Status
Employed for wages 267,110 23.5 (21.9-25.3) 0 NA 267,110 23.5 (21.9-25.3)
Self-employed 59,213 26.4 (22.8-30.5) 0 NA 59,213 26.4 (22.8-30.5)
Out of work (<1 year) 0 NA 4,296 13.7 (4.5-34.9) 4,296 13.7 (4.5-34.9)
Out of work (>1 year) 0 NA 8,097 19.1 (11.1-31.0) 8,097 19.1 (11.1-31.0)
Homemaker 0 NA 29,884 4.5 (2.8-7.2) 29,884 4.5 (2.8-7.2)
Student 0 NA 28,350 34.7 (27.2-43.1) 28,350 34.7 (27.2-43.1)
Retired 0 NA 72,532 3.5 (2.5-4.8) 72,532 3.5 (2.5-4.8)
Unable to work 0 NA 11,417 7.2 (3.7-13.7) 11,417 7.2 (3.7-13.7)
Total 326,323 24.1 (22.5-25.7) 156,065 10.8 (9.0-12.9) 482,388 19.8 (18.6-21.0)

CI indicates confidence interval; NA, not applicable.


Binge drinking was defined as having consumed five or more drinks on one or more occasions during the previous 30 days.


Employed is defined as working for wages or being self-employed.


Represents prevalence of binge drinkers by group with the selected characteristic; therefore, percentages do not total 100.


Nonemployed is defined as one of the following: out of work for more than 1 year, out of work for less than 1 year, a homemaker, a student, retired, or unable to work.


Indicates the total weighted population estimate of all North Dakota adults with the selected characteristic.