Depletion of XGRIM-19 inhibits NFAT activity. (A) Whole embryos injected with control or MO1 together with pNFAT-TA-luc reporter and control Renilla luciferase construct were harvested from different stages (as indicated), and a dual luciferase assay was performed. The average levels of luciferase activity are shown in the graph, with error bars representing the standard deviations of the means from three experiments. Activities in control and GRIM-19 KD show significant difference at stage 18 (**, P < 0.01), but not at stage 22 and 28, likely due to large variations. (B) The NFAT activity from the tissue of cardiac region (indicated by an arrow in the upper right panel) was measured at stage 28 using the same method as that described for panel A (P < 0.05).