Fig. 3.
Box plots of estimated size at weaning (w). The second-generation protein-malnourished group had a greater range of values for w in all three measurements. (A) Controls and the LP1 treatment had larger distances between the mastoid processes than the LP2 group. Average mean corrected R2 of CP group = 0.993, LP1 group = 0.991, LP2 group = 0.919. (B) There were no differences in initial frontal lengths among the treatments. Average mean corrected R2 of CP group = 0.907, LP1 group = 0.855, LP2 group = 0.801. (C) LP2 rats had longer facial lengths than controls and the LP2 group. Average mean corrected R2 of CP group = 0.970, LP1 group = 0.981, LP2 group = 0.824. Numbers in parentheses correspond to measurement numbers in Fig. 1 and Table 3.