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. 2007 Feb;210(2):131–159. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7580.2006.00684.x
List of abbreviations List of abbreviations
A. car. ext. external carotid artery M. myloh. mylohyoid muscle
A. max. maxillary artery M. occiph. occipitohyoid muscle
Ala atl. transverse process of first cervical M. omoh. omohyoid muscle
Ang. styloh. angle of stylohyoideum M. orbic. oculi. sphincter muscle of eyelids
App. hyo. hyoid apparatus M. palphar. palatopharyngeal muscle
Arc. cart. cric. arc of cricoid cartilage M. parotaur. parotidoauricularis muscle
Art(t). cricaryt. (dex.) (right) cricoarytenoid articulation(s) M. pterphar. pterygopharyngeal muscle
Art. cricthyr. cricothyroid articulation M. sternoceph., p. mand. mandibular portion of sternocephalic muscle
Art. thyrhyo. (dex., sin.) (right, left) thyrohyoid articulation
Basihyo. basihyoideum M. sternoh. sternohyoid muscle
blood vess. blood vessels M. sternthyr. sternothyroid muscle
C1–C5 cervical vertebrae 1–5 M. stylglos. styloglossal muscle
Cart(t). aryt. arytenoid cartilage(s) M. styloh. stylohyoid muscle (two parallel portions)
Cart. cric. cricoid cartilage M. stylphar. (caud., rostr.) (caudal, rostral) stylopharyngeal muscle
Cart. thyr. thyroid cartilage M. tens. veli pal. tensor muscle of soft palate
Cav. infrglott. infraglottic cavity M. thyraryt. thyroarytenoid muscle (M. ventric. + M. voc.)
Cerathyo. ceratohyoideum
Choan. choanae M. thyrepigl. thyroepiglottic muscle
conn. tissue connective tissue M. thyroh. thyrohyoid muscle
cont. M. mass. contour of M. mass. M. thyrphar. thyropharyngeal muscle
cont. phar. contour of pharynx M. ventric. ventricularis muscle
Corn. caudale caudal horn of Cart. thyr. M. voc. vocalis muscle
Duct. mand. duct of mandibular gland M. zyg. zygomatic muscle
Duct. parot. duct of parotid gland Mm. constr. phar. caud. caudal constrictor muscles of pharynx
Duct. pneu. pneumatic duct connecting Vest. lar. and air sac Mm. constr. phar. med. middle constrictor muscles of pharynx
Mm. constr. phar. rostr. rostral constrictor muscles of pharynx
Epigl. epiglottis musc. fibr. muscle fibres
Epihyo. epihyoideum O: M. digastr. origin of digastric muscle
Frenul. ling. frenulum of the tongue Oesoph. oesophagus
Gl. mand. mandibular gland Orb. orbita
Gl. thyr. thyroid gland P3, P4 third, fourth premolar
Labb. or. lips of the mouth Palat. mol. soft palate
Lam. cart. cric. lamina of Cart. cric. Pars tymp. tympanic part of temporal bone
lat. base Epigl. lateral base of epiglottis Plic. voc. (dex.) (right) vocal fold
Lig. arycorn. arycorniculate ligament Proc(c). med. medial process(es) of Cart(t). aryt.
Lig. aryt. transv. transverse arytenoid ligament Proc. musc. muscular process of Cart. aryt.
Lig. cricthyr. cricothyroid ligament Proc. parac. paracondylar process
Ling. tongue Proc. voc. (dex.) (right) vocal process of arytenoid cartilage
Mand. mandibula (dentary) Rec. lar. med. median laryngeal recess
M. aryt. transv. transverse arytenoid muscle Rima glott. glottic cleft
M. cerath. ceratohyoid muscle silic. tube silicone tube (for air sac injection)
M. cricaryt. dors. dorsal cricoarytenoid muscle Stylhyo. stylohyoideum
M. cricaryt. lat. lateral cricoarytenoid muscle Thyrhyo. thyrohyoideum
M. cricphar. cricopharyngeal muscle tough lig. tough ligament from Ang. to shaft of Stylhyo.
M. cricthyr. cricothyroid muscle
M. cut. fac. facial cutaneous muscle Trach. trachea
M. digastr. digastric muscle Tub. max. maxillary tuber
M. hyoepigl. hyoepiglottic muscle Tymphyo. tympanohyoideum
M. hyophar. hyopharyngeal muscle V. fac. facial vein
M. lev. veli pal. levator muscle of palatine velum Vest. lar. laryngeal vestibule
M. mal. malaris muscle VTL vocal tract length
M. mass. masseter muscle