Drawings of the muscular anatomy of Rana esculenta. (A) Ventral and dorsal external anatomy of the frog. (B) Superficial muscles on the dorsal side of the upper leg. Il ex = m. iliacus externus, Gl ma = m. glutaeus magnus, Ilfm = m. iliofemoralis, Sem = m. semimembranosus, Ilfb = m. iliofibularis, Gr mi = m. gracilis minor. (C) Superficial muscles on the ventral side of the upper leg. Cru = m. cruralis, Sar = m. sartorius, Ad ma = adductor magnus, Gr mi = m. gracilis minor, Gr ma = m. gracilis major. (D) Deep muscles on the ventral side of the upper leg with m. sartorius and m. gracilis major removed. Semit = m. semitendinosus. (E) Superficial muscles on the dorsal side of the lower leg. Pl lo = m. plantaris longus, Per = m. peroneus. (F) Superficial muscles on the ventral side of the lower leg. Ti po = m. tibialis posticus, Ex cr br = m. extensor cruris brevis, Ti ant lo = m. tibialis anticus longus, Ti an br = m. tibialis anticus brevis.