Fig 6.
Variability of endogenous GFP fluorescence among live F2 individuals. Eggs from a single ROSA26 transgenic female (F1) were fertilized in vitro using wild-type sperm. Qualitative were recorded among the resulting F2 progeny viewed under identical conditions (constant time and intensity of exposure to UV illumination). These individuals were assigned among four groups according to qualitative measures of GFP fluorescence: brightest (B; +++), intermediate (D; ++), low (F; +) and undetectable (H; −). The last group is indistinguishable from wild-type individuals (J). There was no apparent difference in morphology among F2 individuals, nor between transgenic and wild-type individuals. The 3 : 1 ratio of GFP-expressing (B,D,F; n = 147) to non-GFP-expressing individuals (H; n = 48) suggests that the F1 female assayed in this experiment probably carries multiple copies of the ROSA26:GFP transgene. Scale bar, 1 mm.