Surface view of unfolded and flattened cortex of an owl monkey with cortical areas indicated. A view of the intact brain is on the bottom left. Abbreviations: auditory areas: A1, primary auditory; R, rostral area; AT, rostrotemporal area; Aud. B, auditory belt; Aud. P.B., auditory parabelt. Somatosensory areas: 3a, 3b, 1 and 2 of Brodmann (3a = primary somatosensory area, S-1), S2, second area; PV, parietal ventral area; PR, parietal rostral area; VS, parietal ventral area. Motor areas: rostral, r, and caudal, c, divisions of primary motor cortex, M1; PMD, dorsal premotor cortex; PMV, ventral premotor cortex; SMAd, dorsal supplementary motor area; SMAm, medial supplementary motor area; E-SMA, eye-supplementary motor area; CMr, rostral cingulate motor area; CMc, caudal cingulate motor area; FEF, frontal eye field; FV, frontal visual area. Visual areas: V1, V2, and V3, first, second and third visual areas; M, medial visual area; DM, dorsomedial visual area; DLr and DLc, rostral and caudal dorsolateral visual areas; ITc, ITr, ITm, and ITp, caudal, rostral, medial, and polar divisions of inferior temporal (IT) cortex; MT, the middle temporal visual area; MTc, the middle temporal crescent; MST, the middle superior temporal area; FSTv and FSTd, ventral and dorsal areas of the fundus of the superior temporal sulcus (FST); VPP, ventral posterior parietal region; PP, posterior parietal cortex. Also, cc, corpus callosum.