Figure 2.
SLX5 and SLX8 show genetic interactions with known sumoylation components. (A) Four tetrads from the cross YO174 (ubc9-1) X JMY1604 (slx8Δ) were dissected vertically onto a YPD plate, allowed to germinate for 4 days at 25°C, and photographed. Genotypes of the spore clones were determined and are indicated as follows: WT, wild type; u, ubc9-1; s, slx8Δ; us, ubc9-1 slx8Δ. Note the nibbled colony morphology of slx8Δ and ubc9-1 single mutants. (B) Extracts from the indicated yeast mutants were prepared by the NaOH method [56] and analyzed for Smt3-protein conjugates by 10% SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting using antibodies against Smt3. Identical samples were run on 17% SDS-PAGE, blotted, and probed for free Smt3 or RPA1 as internal loading controls.