Figure 2. ROS generation at different phases of intermittent hypoxia in mouse brain cortical neurons during CIH.
A. The experimental profile to analyze ROS generation in mouse brain cortical neurons at the specific phases of CIH (NOX: normoxia; HP: hypoxia). B. DCF fluorescent analysis of ROS generation in the cortical neurons exposed to CIH at the specific phases of CIH (n=3; * indicates significant compared to NOX control, p < 0.05). C. DHE fluorescent analysis of ROS generation in the cortical neurons exposed to CIH at the specific phases of CIH (n=3; * indicates significant compared to NOX control, p < 0.05). D. A kinetic representation of DCF fluorescent assay of ROS production in the cortical neurons after exposure of cells to NOX from the specific phases of CIH.