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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2008 Aug 1.
Published in final edited form as: Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2007 Jul 16;32(7):843–853. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2007.05.013

Table 2.

Clinical Characteristics: Association with Hormonal Status

Contraception Used
Post-Hoc Comparisons**
Combo (N=232) Progestin (N=58) Non-Hormone (N=948) Combo vs. Progesterone Combo vs. Non-Hormone Progestin vs. Non-Hormone
Characteristics n Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD p-value
Age at onset of 1st MDE 232 17.22 6.92 57 18.65 7.02 933 18.96 7.94 0.0405
Age at onset of 1st MDE, Adjusted 18.10 19.36 18.68 0.4214
Number of MDE Episodes 201 3.37 3.66 51 5.78 8.55 828 4.74 8.65 0.2575
Number of MDE Episodes, Adjusted 3.53 5.79 4.71 0.1013
Length of Episode (Months) 231 14.64 29.10 58 18.54 38.63 937 19.74 40.40 0.2604
Length of Episode (Months) , Adjusted 17.71 18.62 19.01 0.9042
CIRS total score 232 2.54 2.41 58 3.98 3.06 948 2.97 2.83 0.0021
CIRS total score, Adjusted 2.84 4.00 2.90 0.0099 0.0017 0.797 0.0036
Length of Illness 232 9.36 7.92 57 8.74 6.38 933 10.53 8.00 0.0469
Length of Illness, Adjusted 10.75 9.47 10.15 0.3957
HRSD17 217 19.51 5.90 50 19.54 5.99 864 20.62 6.49 0.0237
HRSD17, Adjusted 20.15 19.32 20.47 0.3929
IDS-C30 214 35.35 10.37 48 37.21 11.37 859 37.33 11.31 0.0479
IDS-C30, Adjusted 36.36 36.91 37.09 0.6978
QIDS-SR16 232 15.01 4.18 58 16.07 4.49 945 16.43 4.15 <.0001
QIDS-SR16, Adjusted 15.11 15.98 16.40 0.0002 0.1647 <.0001 0.4462
SF-12 (Mental) 218 23.91 7.66 53 27.33 9.23 850 24.65 8.17 0.0487
SF-12 (Mental) , Adjusted 24.13 27.27 24.61 0.0423 0.0047 0.4633 0.0285
SF-12 (Physical) 218 55.66 8.74 53 50.57 11.13 850 51.97 10.36 <.0001
SF-12 (Physical) , Adjusted 54.45 50.86 52.25 0.0072 0.0044 0.0049 0.3539
WSAS 218 21.81 8.67 53 22.47 9.58 850 24.08 9.27 0.0014
WSAS, Adjusted 22.35 22.49 23.95 0.0560
QLESQ 218 44.22 13.64 53 43.72 15.43 850 40.69 15.08 0.0081
QLESQ, Adjusted 43.11 43.72 40.96 0.0940

Combo (N=232) Progestin (N=58) Non-Hormone (N=948)
N % n % n % Unadjusted p-value Adjusted OR Combo vs. Non Hormone Adjusted OR Progestin vs. Non-Hormone Adjusted p-value

Family History of Depression 148 64.3 31 53.5 544 58.0 0.1460 1.28 0.83 0.1920
Attempted Suicide 49 21.1 12 20.7 217 22.9 0.8008 0.99 0.80 0.8128
Chronic Depression 37 16.9 11 19.0 192 20.5 0.3057 0.88 0.95 0.8190
Recurrent Depression 158 73.5 663 75.1 41 75.9 0.8736 0.88 1.07 0.7275
Age of Onset 102 44.0 25 43.9 464 49.7 0.2277 0.90 0.93 0.7975
Anxious Features 90 41.3 21 40.4 420 48.3 0.1186 0.98 0.70 0.4896
Atypical Features 42 19.3 15 28.9 178 20.5
Melancholic Features 40 18.4 6 11.5 194 22.3 0.1049 0.84 0.45 0.1559

Model adjusted for age and years of schooling.


Post-Hoc comparisons were performed for adjusted models where p < 0.05.

MDE: Major Depressive Episode, CIRS: Cumulative Illness Rating Scale, HRSD17: 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, IDS-C30: 30-item Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology, QIDSSR16: 16-item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology, SF-12: 12-item Short Form Health Survey, WSAS: Work and Social Adjustment Scale, Q-LES-Q: Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire