Effect of IGF-II on exocytosis of insulin. β
cells were perifused in a buffer containing 3 mM glucose (G) for 10
min. The perifusion was continued in the presence of 3 (B)
or 20 mM (A) glucose. Time of addition of IGF-II (50
ng/ml) (B) is indicated. Because glucose is the normal
insulin secretagogue under physiological conditions, we used
stimulation with a 20 mM concentration of the sugar as a positive
control (A). Insulin release in A and
B is expressed as percentage of basal secretion, defined
as the average insulin release obtained at 3 mM glucose during the
first 10 min of perifusion. Representative experiments out of three are
shown. (C) Effect of IGF-II (50 ng/ml) on insulin release
in cells that were preincubated in the absence or presence of an
anti-IGF-II/M-6-P receptor antibody. Insulin is expressed as
nanounits per cell. Insulin release was investigated in batch
incubations. Mean values ± SD for one representative experiment
in quadruples out of three are shown. (D) Influence of an
anti-IGF-II/M-6-P receptor antibody on glucose-stimulated (20 mM)
(i) and tolbutamide-stimulated (100 μM) insulin
release (ii). The figure shows a representative
experiment, out of three, in quadruples for glucose and tolbutamide,
respectively. ∗, P < 0.05.