Role of GTP binding proteins, PKC, and
phosphorylation in mediating the effect of IGF-II on insulin release.
(A) β cells were incubated in RPMI medium 1640
supplemented with 50 ng/ml pertussis toxin for 8 hr. Thereafter, they
were subjected to column perifusion and stimulation with 50 ng/ml
IGF-II for 14 min at a basal glucose concentration of 3 mM.
(B) A similar type of experiment was performed with β
cells incubated in RPMI medium 1640 supplemented with 1 μM TPA for 3
hr, to down-regulate PKC activity. In both A and
B, the cells were exposed to 20 mM glucose at the end of
the experiment to ensure that they were still capable of secreting
normal amounts of the hormone. Insulin release is expressed as
percentage of basal secretion, obtained at 3 mM glucose. Representative
experiments out of three are shown. (C) Protein
phosphorylation in β cells incubated for 4 min at 37°C in buffer
only (−), in the presence of 50 ng/ml IGF-II (II), 25 nM TPA (T), or
50 ng/ml IGF-II, subsequent to down-regulation of PKC activity
(II/D). Three prominent protein bands and protein molecular mass
standards are indicated (in kilodaltons). In C, a
representative experiment out of three is shown.