Priming of naive T cells in situ
with antigen-pulsed murine fibrocytes. Purified BALB/c mouse
fibrocytes were cultured for 3 days without (NO PULSE), or with 50
μg/ml of p24 (p24 PULSE), or gp120 (gp120 PULSE) in DME/20% FCS,
washed, and injected i.d. (5 × 104 cells) into the
right rear footpad. The proximal popliteal lymph nodes were explanted 5
days later, dissociated, and cultured with PBS or 50 μg/ml of p24
or gp120 for 72 hr. To verify the proliferating cell type,
CD4+ T cells were depleted by immunomagnetic selection just
prior to liquid scintillation counting (p24-CD4, gp120-CD4). The
proliferative activity was measured over the last 12 hr of culture by
[3H]thymidine incorporation. Data are expressed as
mean ± SD and are representative of one experiment that was
performed three times.