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Table 4 Independent prognostic factors for occurrence of the composite event using a stepwise Cox model (ITT population).

Parameter Hazard ratio Probability 95% Confidence interval
Lower limit Upper limit
Treatment (0 = comparator; 1 = moxifloxacin) 0.816 0.031 0.678 0.982
Age (0 = <65 years; 1 = ⩾ 65 years) 1.219 0.039 1.010 1.470
FEV1 (%) at enrolment (0 = ⩾50; 1 = <50) 1.265 0.014 1.048 1.526
Number of previous AECBs (0 = 2–3; 1 = ⩾4) 1.631 <0.001 1.338 1.988
Bronchodilators (0 = no; 1 = yes) 1.477 0.001 1.166 1.872

There was no interaction between treatment and any of the individual factors (age, p = 0.080; FEV1, p = 0.505; number of previous AECBs, p = 0.247; acute bronchodilators, p = 0.752).