Fig. 7.
A–K. Hypocrea citrina (specimens of Hypocrea lactea). A. Illustration of Sphaeria lactea from Fries, Obs. Taf. 8, fig. 4. Compare to B. B–G. Sphaeria lactea, neotype specimen, coll. E.M. Fries, UPS; B. specimen glued to a piece of stiff paper. C. Surface of stroma seen in face view. D. Macroscopic view of stroma surface; bar = 1 mm. E. Ascus with developing ascospores; bar = 20 μm. F. Immature asci showing pore in ascus apex (left, cotton blue in lactic acid, right in 1 % aq. phloxine); bar = 10 μm. G. Mature ascospores in asci (cotton blue in lactic acid); bar = 10 μm. H–K. Hypocrea lactea specimen collected by Fries, Femsjö, UPS. H. Specimen; bar = 1 cm. I. Perithecial papilla, ostiolar opening and stroma surface; bar = 20 μm. J. Stroma surface showing pseudoparenchymatous cells at the surface and loosely disposed hyphae below; bar = 20 μm. K. Mature ascospores in asci (cotton blue in lactic acid); bar = 10 μm.