Analysis of the tissue distribution of PSA mRNA in the PSA1 transgenics by Northern blotting. (A) Five micrograms of the total RNA isolated from various tissues of a male P1–6, a male P1–8, a male P1–9, and a female P1–9 transgenic mouse were resolved on 1% formaldehyde-agarose gels, transferred to nylon membranes, then hybridized with the labeled PSA cDNA probe. These tissues were: a, prostate; b, testis; c, coagulating gland/seminal vesicle; d, spleen; e, kidney; f, liver; g, thymus; h, heart; i, lung; j, salivary glands; k, brain; l, ovary; m, uterus; and n, 5 μg of LNCaP total RNA in each blot to serve as an internal control. (B) Five μg of the total RNA isolated from prostate (o), testes (p), coagulating gland (q), and seminal vesicle (r) of a male P1–9 transgenic mouse, and 5 μg of LNCaP total RNA (s) were analyzed by Northern blotting with the PSA cDNA probe. Areas between 1 and 2 kb of the blots are shown; hence, only the 1.5-kb major transcript and the 1.9-kb minor alternatively spliced product are visible. The other three longer minor transcripts are not shown.