sev>zipDN is dominantly suppressed by dsh1 (A), but no interaction is seen with the tissue polarity gene stbm6cn (B). However sev>zipDN is enhanced by fzKD4A (C) and dsh3 (D) (compare to figure 2D). An allele of arm (arm8) (E) specific for canonical Wnt signaling also enhances sev>zipDN. GMR>P35 (F) produces an ommatidial orientation phenotype, and a deficiency that removes grim, rpr, hid (Df (H99)) (G) and hid05014 (H) suppress sev>zipDN. M, missing photoreceptors; E, extra photoreceptors; blue trapezoids: dorsal ommatidia; red trapezoids: ventral ommatidia; green trapezoids: under-rotated ommatidia; orange trapezoids: over-rotated ommatidia.