Figure 4. Two examples of the effects on synchronization (S) of cooling and recovery.
Consequences of cooling and recovery on S computed during the presentation of BKG interleaved with the IS and DS stimuli in the experiments 041105 and 022405-2. Sct is S in control before cooling; Scl is S in cooling; Src is S in recovery after cooling. Red stars denote comparisons with statistically significant differences; green stars comparisons with statistically insignificant differences. In both experiments, synchronization during the presentation of BKG interleaved with the IS shows that cooling increases S and that, after cooling S returns to control levels. During the presentation of BKG interleaved with the DS, synchronization is not affected by cooling in experiment 041105 whilst it is increased in experiment 022405-2. Furthermore, after cooling S undershoots control levels in both experiments.