Figure 3. The distribution of TAG-1 overlaps with the expression of tauGFP and L1 in Math1/L1; Math1/tauGFP and Math1/L1 mice, respectively.
(Top panels) Transverse cryosection obtained from an E11 Math1/L1; Math1/tauGFP embryo labeled with anti-TAG-1. TAG-1 (left) and GFP (middle) expression overlap on the dorsally located cells bodies of Math1 progenitors and post-mitotic commissural neurons (arrowheads), as well as on the pre-crossing segments of their commissural axons (arrows). (Bottom panels) Transverse cryosection obtained from an E12 Math1/L1 embryo labeled with anti-TAG-1 and anti-L1. TAG-1 (left) and L1 (middle) expression overlap on the dorsally located cells bodies of Math1 progenitors and post-mitotic commissural neurons (arrowheads), as well as on the pre-crossing segments of their commissural axons (arrows). In each case, the right panel represents a merge of the left and middle panels. Scale bar in lower right panel, 100 μm (all panels).